I’m the moderator of OMIND’s podcast “Open Up 2 Innovate” and my responsibilities are all around media production. This is a perfect opportunity for me to combine my studies in the area of media and journalism with practical experiences. Whatever I learn at Uni, I can simply try out in real life. Although I don’t have a background in business, I have been diving into open innovation and developed an interest in it. I’ve realized that open innovation is not only about creating a competitive advantage for businesses but also applies to every one of us. For my work, open innovation means coming out of my own bubble, being taken by the hand and using my skills in a new bubble to create something new. Being confronted with a new challenge makes me work on myself and educates me further. In my Bachelor thesis, I’m investigating the role of media in open innovation. I’m particularly looking at how media can be used as a tool to enable open innovation.