Engelsberger, Aurelia; Cavanagh, Jilian; Bartram, Timothy; Halvorsen, Beni: “Maximizing team development for open innovation in digital
product development: the role of collaborative HRM and relational leadership” (2023) Personnel Review.
The purpose of the study was to maximize team members ’ collaboration and develop relationships in a newly formed team to engage with internal and external partners to achieve open innovation (OI) in product development. In this vein, this research examines the role of collaborative human resource management (HRM) and relational leadership (RL) in this process as it emerges in a newly formed cross-functional team at a large German fashion house.
Engelsberger, Aurelia; Bartram, Timothy; Cavanagh, Jillian; Halvorsen, Beni; Bogers, Marcel: “The role of collaborative human resource management in supporting open innovation”. (2022) Human Resource Management Review.
This conceptual paper provides a more complete and systematic understanding of the human aspects of open innovation (OI). A multi-level model of collaborative human resource management (HRM) has developed to support knowledge sharing and sourcing (KSS) and OI performance of employees through the development of relational leadership and OI mindset. This multi-level model provides seven collaborative HRM practices to establish a road map for management practitioners. To successfully implement OI in organizations and overcome barriers in KSS, practitioners are recommended to apply these seven practices and hence, promote the effective management of people for OI.
Engelsberger, Aurelia; Cavanagh, Jillian; Bartram, Timothy; Halvorsen, Beni: “Multicultural Skills in Open Innovation: Relational Leadership Enabling Knowledge Sourcing and Sharing”. (2021) Personnel Review.
This research examines the role of relational leadership and characteristics of the workforce, namely multicultural skills. This paper contributes to the scarce research on the role of employees with multicultural skills and their impact on open innovation and present multicultural experiences and relational leadership as enablers for open innovation.
Engelsberger, Aurelia; Cavanagh, Jillian; Bartram, Timothy; Halvorsen, Beni: “Multicultural Skills in Open Innovation: Relational Leadership Enabling Knowledge Sourcing and Sharing”. (2021) Personnel Review.
This research examines the role of relational leadership and characteristics of the workforce, namely multicultural skills. This paper contributes to the scarce research on the role of employees with multicultural skills and their impact on open innovation and present multicultural experiences and relational leadership as enablers for open innovation.
Clara Quintero, Masterthesis with OMIND consulting
This thesis elaborates recommendations for a business model that creates a sustainable value innovation for OMIND consulting. They were derived from the implementation of the Blue Ocean Approach, with tools for strategic management like the Strategy Canvas, the Four-Actions-Framework and the Six-Path-Framework. The Thesis conributes to the implementation of an Open Innovation Culture into a Framework of the OI Performance of a company.